all blue now


End of chapter announcements! First and foremost: if all goes well, updates will resume on August 13th. I’ll be traveling a little bit, so from August 2nd through the 4th orders won’t ship out from the shop (but you can still order urself a Sweet Poster during that time if you like!)

You might have noticed that the little Project Wonderful banner at the bottom of the site disappeared a couple weeks ago. PW closed its doors for good this month, which might not seem like a big deal to folks on the reader side of things but it’s a pretty big blow to us. They were one of the last advertising networks available to obscure indie comics like mine, and it’s another in a long line of spooky web developments for artists trying to make and deliver our own content the way we want. I’m saying this here on my own site but it goes for any indie work you’re into right now: it’s really REALLY important that if you enjoy someone’s stuff, you should spread the word! Frankly it’s out of the artist’s hands after a point: whether or not something takes off depends on its audience. Word of mouth is the best way to advertise, and no amount of yelling or link spamming I do can compare to a handful of enthusiastic fans sharing fanwork or excitedly recommending The Thing to their friends. As for me, sometime during the break I plan on replacing the old banner with my own where I’ll cycle through promos for webcomics I love, so give em a look! You can also find most of them on my links page right at this very moment.

If you wanna be informed about updates as soon as they happen, keep up with sketches, art, and other things I do, OR you just wanna hang out with some chill folks and chat about KC (or Hearthstone for some reason) join the Discord!  Agatha is also there and she’ll even show you a cool bird picture if you ask her nicely. In a similar vein, if you’re looking for a Kidd Commander fix you can check out the community’s google drive full of fic and such, or if you’re feeling spry maybe add something to the wiki or the TVTropes page!

If Discord’s not your thing, you can keep up with the comic on:

Archive Binge
Comic Chameleon
Belfry Webcomics
Comic Rocket
…or the RSS feed, which is at the bottom of the page! You can also follow me on Mastodon, where I post art and comic junk much more frequently but is definitely used more as a personal account, so follow at your own risk.

Finally, if you’re enjoying what I do here, a gentle reminder that a dollar a month on Patreon reallyhelps me out. And you’ll get postcards and stickers from me! Neat!

Love y’all, see you soon <3