whatever you say!
I wanna post the next two pages together, so give me a little extra time! If it stretches too long I’ll pop back in with a date estimate. We’re nearly done with this chapter and closing in on the finale of this arc, I hope you’ve enjoyed it!
While you’re waiting, I posted some new 98% Canon KC writing over in the ao3 tag; it’s a spoiler for the end of Mile High Engage, but you’re probably fine with that. If not, go read all of it first THEN come back and read this 2900 word fic. See you soon!
EDIT 1/15:
Hey, do you remember last year when my partner flew out to Tennessee to rush to their dying parent’s bedside? And then it didn’t actually happen so it was a huge traumatic waste of time and money that we knew we’d have to repeat at some point? WELL
This time we waited until the thing was finally over, and now we’re both going for a week to deal with things. I dunno if any of you remember but I’m pretty used to working on this comic in hospitals (pages in this sequence specifically, although I edited out my author note about Mom since then. man.); I would love to keep working through this too but my equipment isn’t so mobile these days, so comic work is screeching to a halt again while we make our third motherfucking cross country trip in as many months. I want to say “we just have to get through This Now,” but neither of our families tend to act gracefully even under normal circumstances, and I have a big doctor appointment early next month too so. Frankly at this point I’ll settle for neither of us having significant health issues by the end of February.
I don’t have travel dates for you because everything is an absurd mess right now, but I’ll check in about it when I can. I’ll say too unlike the last time this happened we’re okay money-wise, for now, and this isn’t like when my dad died and put me personally fifteen grand in the hole so things are relatively just. Busy. I’m physically out of the office for a minute but I should be Online as usual.
Thanks for hanging in there during the latest incredibly fucked up family thing to happen, this arc is up to three major deaths now, which means we’re at least going to run out of candidates soon lmao. Take care, be right back.