ohhh a BIKE


HEY SO UH if you’ve been around for a while you’ve probably seen me announce Kidd Commander print editions before, but it’s happening for real this time. Like, I got print samples and all that shit. Wow! Mile High Engage ran real long so it’s being broken up into two full color manga-sized volumes, the first one will have the first 190 pages of KC and likely total around 200 pages.

I’m only ordering a small run for now, enough to get to Patrons and sell at the convention in September, so if you’re in neither of those groups but think you’ll want one I’m opening up preorders. The books themselves are looking like they’ll be about 25 USD. I’ll be handling preorders through Storenvy, and I REALLY WANNA GET THESE ORDERED because I have no idea how long the turnaround time is on books like this so the window is gonna be pretty small. They will be available in the shop eventually and I’ll try to keep them in stock, but until I can order a second run after September they’ll most likely be scarce.

I’m finally getting around to fulfilling those book subscription tiers for Patreon, so everyone currently pledging ten dollars or more will be getting volume 1 as soon as I have it! It’s too late to get in on that one, but if you pledge in the next few weeks then you can get volume 2, the second half of Mile High Engage, which is going to be printed up as soon as I have the cash haha. I’m also aiming to have these ready for September though so it won’t be too long hopefully. I don’t think I’ll be selling digital editions in the shop, but all the five dollar patrons will get their pdf’s after I’m sure the books are finalized.

I think that’ll do for now! Thank you so much for reading

EDIT 4/27: Hi again! I got a message from a Patron who was bummed about not being able to upgrade their pledge to get volume 1, annnnd to be honest that wasn’t a problem I was anticipating. The reason for the “three payment” rule for physical reward tiers is to protect me from people who pledge, get their goods in the mail, then cancel their pledge before any money goes through or just get the books at a huge discount. Setting up a cutoff for when a pledge can be upgraded before a new book comes out works to combat this, but I’ll admit this particular book definitely came out of nowhere so nobody got a chance to up their pledge to act on it. I straight up didn’t think that would be a problem, my bad, I’ll be more vocal about it next time! For now, if you’ve already been a patron of any level for a while (which is all of you currently pledging) then if you increase your pledge to ten bucks I’ll be happy to get you on that list. I think most of you have been hanging around long enough you’re not gonna run off on me to get one free book; i mean at least wait until volume 2 comes out so you can have the whole first arc come on

thank you! sorry i got excited and surprised everybody lmao i’ll try to issue fair warning for books from now on