

The corrected volume 1 books came in, I’ll be sending them out to those who preordered and stuff today!! There’s a post for Patrons about their rewards over here.

Additionally: happy pride month yall there hasn’t been a straight person in this comic for like ten pages lmao. Here’s one more reminder you can get a cheap lil pan button in the shop if stupid puns about your sexuality is something you’re into!

EDIT 6/3: HEY HI I know we just skipped an update last week but I think I’m actually gonna take this week off from posting pages, I’ve been run pretty ragged trying to get volume 2 (and another 18 page print comic) done for a convention in September and I think it would be healthy to kind of try to get back on top of shit instead of flailing through the rest of this chapter with totally irregular updates like I usually do when this happens. People around me keep telling me I look tired and also I feel tired so I’m going to try not being stubborn and actually rest a little bit. I should get volume 2 done this week at least so I can get that sent out for proofs and, hopefully soon, preorders! I’ll definitely let you guys know a little more in advance this time. Sorry, thanks for being patient <3