EDIT 12/29: all the books have been shipped out! If you ordered through the shop you should have gotten an email, and if you’re a Patron I can send you a tracking number if you email me about it! Thanks so much!

I’m exhausted and resting up for the next few days because man I am booked solid for like the next six months lmfao. Look for the next update in the new year!

books are good but it’s not the same as the real thing

Winterfest was wonderful!! I’m SUPER excited to go back for the big Momocon next summer, thanks for coming to see me if you did that! I am also very nearly sold out of books, and it might be a minute before I can restock them since I’m trying to find a new printer, so if you think you want one maybe go ahead and pick one up lmao.

In convention related news, I’ve sort of started using twitter (and instagram??). I hate them both but it’s necessary to keep in touch with convention folks I meet, and I DO occasionally post art and bad opinions over there. Tumblr or the discord server are still the best places to follow me if you want like Everything, but you can follow me @shinesurge on the other sites if you feel inclined to do that.

Lastly, the Respite postcards are landing! Here’s what Patrons got this time around.



Thanks! Be well this season.