you can be both


Reminders! I’ll probably post these again when the dates are Upon Us but I like to give yall some extra warning when I can.

I will be at Con-nooga in Chattanooga, TN, from the 21st through the 23rd! I’m excited come see me and get some stuff!

The next week I’m getting married on the 29th, which is also neat! I’m immediately leaving for the honeymoon, I think I’m supposed to be back on March 8th. Unless some insane shit is going on we should get at least one more page up in between the convention and the wedding, but I can’t do website things on mobile so it will definitely be quiet here for the first week of March haha. I’ll still be on social media pretty regularly though, so you can check the usual channels for an embarrassing amount of doofy pictures of my trip I’m sure.