if i’m to be a lighthouse i’d like to be yours


Sorry it took a minute to get this relatively simple page posted, I’ve been bitten by the “I gotta redesign the entire site RIGHT NOW” bug that comes around every so often and it makes it hard for me to focus on doing anything else until it’s done lmao. Sometime this summer I’m gonna try and do a bunch of housekeeping like clearing out unneeded graphics and updating the links page and all that fun stuff, but this week I’ve been adding backgrounds to individual pages whiCH. SOME OF Y’ALL MIGHT REMEMBER ME TALKING ABOUT LITERALLY SINCE THE COMIC STARTED LAKSJDF I’m super fuckin’ hype to finally be able to do it!! Unfortunately it involves individually assigning every page’s images by hand, but I think it’s worth it. The latest two arcs are mooooostly finished, MHE is a goddamn bear though so if you’re just now catching up and suddenly get hit in the face with fancy new backgrounds halfway through the arc I Am Sorry I’m Working On It™. Eventually, the homepage will also show the correct background for each new update so you can see it even if you just check in and leave without clicking through to the comments.


EAGLE EYED VIEWERS might notice the new banner ad down at the bottom of the page; If you’ve been hanging here long enough you might remember when I had the Project Wonderful adspace there before. IF NOT: PW was a really helpful ad service for webcomic folks that got frozen out by a combination of most of the bigger titles getting snapped up by collectives that filled those spaces with google ads and webcomics as a whole moving away from independent websites in favor of aggregate sites. It took money of course, but most adspaces were only a few cents a day and ANYONE could place bids on anything with no real hierarchy. Dropping a few dollars once or twice a month to advertise on a busy website like Piperka or Gunnerkrigg was a really good way to give smaller guys a chance at some real exposure.
Fortunately someone has FINALLY filled in the gap! ComicAd is like PW but way better in basically every possible way. Almost everyone there is another comic artist running their own independent website, there’s way more quality and control over what shows up in your spaces, and the site itself is run BY actual webcomic artists. I’m really excited about it!! Even if you don’t have a comic to advertise, I highly suggest digging through their list of publishers just to find some new comics to support.
None of this technically means any changes for y’all as readers, but I’ll mention just for the record I check every ad’s site myself before it appears here so hopefully nothing unpleasant turns up. I don’t actually READ all these comics though so if you do and it turns out to be something that shouldn’t be here please feel free to send me an email about it. I can’t guarantee we’ll agree or that I’ll do anything if I don’t think it’s necessary, but this sort of thing is important to me so I’ll at least hear you out lol. Also, ComicAd is a lot simpler to deal with than PW was so I’m considering adding one or two more slots in that empty space on either side of the footer. Helping out other comics is important to me! But I also don’t want it to be too intrusive? Do your eyes just automatically ignore ads so it doesn’t matter either way? idk, ultimately I’ll end up doing what I think is best but I’d like to take readers’ thoughts on this into consideration, if you have ’em.
Thank u!