some stuff doesn’t change

A small announcement!

After a few of my supporters had to duck out for financial reasons a little while back, the Kidd Commander Patreon has aaalmost crept back up to triple digits just in the last week! That’s super exciting, thank you so much!! We’re only about four dollars away from breaking a hundred, so if you’re enjoying my work and have an extra dollar lying around at the end of the month do consider contributing. Even if you decide not to, you can still watch a terribly awkward introductory video by me over on the Patreon page.  I’ve also just uploaded a small batch of sketches from this month, which you don’t have to be a supporter to see.

Although financial support makes it much easier for me to put out pages faster, the comic will always always be available for free for anyone to read, and even just reading kind things you guys have to say about the story is very good for my morale. Thank you for whatever sort of time you elect to give me and my work!

Lastly, here’s a little piece of art I did because I miss drawing my main characters terribly. See you Wednesday.
