ANOTHER EDIT GOOD GOD 2/7: OKAY alright let’s aim for a big ol five page update on the 20th! Sneak one in before I head off to the convention on the 22nd.


EDIT 2/1: Hi again! Minicomic preorders are closed, and I should have those books in my hand in like sixteen-ish days. Thank you for all your support! I don’t have an update estimate yet but I’ll let you know as soon as I can.


EDIT 1/23: Hi! The preorder listing for the minicomic is up in the shop now if you want it! The cutoff is January 31st so make sure you get your order in soon.


I thought that one looked a little funny.


Hey hi here’s THE NEWS: The next convention is coming up and I’m just barely going to get the mini comic finished for that in time, and the next site update is going to be five pages, which would take around two weeks normally. I have to get the print comic shipped off to, uh, get printed, in about fifteen days which is ABSOLUTELY NOT ENOUGH TIME for the amount of work that’s left. So I’m gonna focus on that until it’s finished, then it’ll be a little longer before this next update hits. I’m sorry!! A combination of things has caused my mental health to sort of take a nosedive and no small part of that is how rough the schedule’s been here, but I’ve been doing this long enough to know when slamming my head against the problem is doing more harm than good. Comics are a marathon, not a sprint, blah blah.

I’ll let y’all know as soon as the print comic is sent off and I start working on the update, and I’ll try to keep you posted as that goes on and get you a concrete drop date asap. I really think you’ll be into it.

I’m going to basically live at my desk even more than normal for the next month, so I’ll be checking comments and be around in the usual places if you want to keep up with me! The KC Discord is the best place, but I also have a personal account on Mastodon. And did you know I have an AO3 account for KC prose? Maybe you’ll find something there that could help pass the time.

love you guys, don’t go away now.