*in awe*
drama between phineas and ulrich
i was expecting anything but that
this is very stressing but a very good surprise
*waiting impatiently for next page*
btw already two pages since the big bulk, wow
I can get a lot done when I’m not wasting time dealing with ShitBrain!
Oh, this HURTS. I feel so bad for both of them. And the themes of monsters and monstrousness is really interesting here because its so interesting how Ulrich chooses, with eyes wide open, to take the monstrous path when he judges it necessary. And I get where Phineas is coming from (obviously) but I also feel like Ulrich has just done something terrible so she wouldn’t have to make an awful choice and she’s being kind of… unkind about that? I am not explaining this well, but I am really interested.
Yeah, Phineas is a brat to begin with most of the time but they’ve both about capped out their respective stress capacities at this point haha. Everyone needs a nap.
Comments like this are really encouraging, thanks so much for reading!
I may be misunderstanding you but I think she’s less mad at the fact he killed someone and more that killing Montery seems to have killed Agatha.
Right, and Ulrich knew that that was a possibility when he killed Monty. I don’t think Ulrich has any problem with violence or even murder… the monstrous act was more the fact that he knew that Monty and Agatha were connected and he chose Phineas over Agatha… and that is a very complicated choice.
Would’ve thought Ulrich would learn already. A spoonful of “You got this, Kidd” and she’d have enough confidence to drag Agatha up with one hand.
I also see a little crackle of life..Getting her riled again MIGHT just be the ticket..
Samantha Lott
Phineas is learning the hard way of what it means to be captain. It means that the captain is the most important figure of the group which means that if the group highly respects them, they will sacrifice themselves to keep the captain alive. In turn the captain must make decision on the crews behalf and do their best to keep them alive and safe. Sometimes this means making the hard calls, unfortunately including some people’s life over others. Many TV shows such as Star Trek reflect these hard calls. Sometimes ambition is not enough. This may have been why Crow’s crew died. He may have had the ambition but not the heart to make a decision and ended up killing most of his crew.
Given how young and inexperience Phineas is currently, this will be a hard lesson for her to learn. The question is, “Will she understand this and become a true Captain of her crew or follow her mentor Crow’s mistake and repeat history ending the lives of her own crew?”
-What are your thoughts and what would you do if you were a captain needing to make a hard call?