hm yes a great source of self care advice

The con went really well! I’m sort of looking to branch out a bit, so if there’s a convention near you that you’d like to see me at, let me know (or if you’re feelin real ambitious and the convention does that sort of thing, message the organizers and see if they’d consider inviting me) and I’ll look into it! I’ve been working on new merch for the last month or so and now that the show’s finished it’s all in the shop if you wanna take a look at it. In particular, I’ve redone the Lucky Noon stands and they’re lookin real slick now in my humble imho:


iiiiii also have stands for the characters in the works! She’s not quite ready for the shop yet but Phin’s shaping up pretty well too



Lastly: I’ve got quite a bit of work to do yet, but Volume 3 preorders will probably start in the next few weeks if all goes well! There’s only four pages left in the arc and I’d like to get this one printed before the end of the year, I’ll be loud about it when it’s happening so PREPARE I GUESS

Thank you for reading!!