I thought it was weird that Agatha was smiling, but then I realized she was “being superior”.
funnyyyy JOKE
Look. At. Their. GRINS.
I can’t wait for this trio to waltz into another town after they all spend some proper time with Noon. Agatha and Ulrich will be the most smug, snarky duo to back up Phin’s flamboyant and impulsive behavior.
i’m SO excited to finally get to write these two together, they pair up really well as the Phineas Disaster Cleanup Crew
Ulrich is the Face and Mechanic, Agatha is the Muscle, Noon is the Butler, and Phin is the boss. We’ve got a proper mafia gang going, but they are still looking to claim their “turf.” Or maybe it’s just that the whole globe is their turf since they’re aiming for the Sun.
Myk Streja
Come on, Phin. Penny for ’em.
Level of burn.. adequate..
I think panel 6 sums that up pretty well….
(…also, teehee~~~)
(Oh yeah, and…”off-brand”? Did they only get angel-damned sunglasses or something? :P)
Hmm no need to let a shop burn if you can burn your local das/team therapist
The snark! Yessssssss
It’s interesting seeing Phineas bruised all to hell. Action series have their dramatic injuries, but she more or less?? healed herself after Hazard it felt, so this feels meaningful. Either because Agatha did more physical damage or because her head is in a different place, or maybe non-life-threatening injuries don’t work the same.