for once, ulrich is the chillest person in the room

Those of you who have been around for a while might remember my account? I happened to check it on the desktop for the first time in a while and found that the service has degraded so badly that I can’t actually tell which are actual reader questions directed at me anymore. Bummer! From now on, if you wanna send questions and such through something like that, you can send them to my Curious Cat instead! The archive will stay up, but please don’t send anything new there because I won’t see it. If you did send a question and I didn’t answer it, try again on the new thing! unless your question was one of the creepy ones. please don’t be weird @ me y’all

ADDITIONALLY: I paid a couple hundred bucks for hosting yesterday and I figure this is probably an excellent opportunity to remind everybody that KC’s Patreon is singlehandedly responsible for keeping the lights on around here. Patreon replaces equipment and software when I need it (all the things I use to draw the comic currently were purchased with Patreon dollars!), and it also funds things like the print books, general merch, KC’s P.O. box expenses, and convention appearances, which I’d really like to do more of. If you’re interested in any of the new reward tiers you can still get in on Volume 2, and even a dollar a month gets you a postcard and a sticker! Comic expenses add up pretty quickly but so does reader support. Whether or not you’re able to contribute financially, any support you guys decide to throw in my direction is immensely appreciated <3 Thank you for reading!