you asked for it

MomoCon was really fantastic!! I met a lot of readers and a WHOLE ENTIRE PHINEAS COSPLAYER??? Thank y’all so much for coming out, I hope my terminal dweebishness wasn’t too disappointing lmaooo. This week I’m gonna be in Nashville for ANOTHER show! I don’t expect there are many of you in the area, but if you are you’ll be able to find my bright orange table and questionable outfits in the artist alley.

I’m not tabling with KC myself but a friend of mine who IS tabling at C2E2 invited me to come along and help out with their table in August, so if you’re in the Chicago area you can come say hello! I won’t have any merch or anything but I don’t get up north too often so if you wanna take the opportunity to meet me that’ll be a good time to do it; I’ll post more about it when it gets closer.

Summer postcards go out in July! If you want in on them you gotta get in on the patreon pretty quick; here’s the gallery and all the relevant info on that.

Finally: The text transcript archive is ON ITS WAY after many years of requests. It’s very basic for my own complicated reasons, but it’s searchable dialogue and each page will have its own in these author notes from now on in addition to big dedicated archive pages for your convenience. This is a lot of work so it’s going to take a minute, but thanks to my spouse we’re getting there much faster than we would if I was on my own haha. I am hereby dedicating this endeavor to every time I’ve tried and failed to find something specific in the Girl Genius archive lmfao

Thanks for reading!!


Did she ask you to join because of your shooting or your silverspeak?

God it better be the shooting because I am doing a shit job speaking.
. . .
I hope that woman is alright.

I don’t think crying during the worship is the worst thing that’s happened to someone in that church.
You act like you hate it.
Silverspeak, I mean.
So, Vane was a voice screaming in my head for as long as I could remember.
Every one of my memories has them there.In the back somewhere just . . . wailing.
I didn’t even realize it was a thing I could fix. I thought it was an innate part of being alive.