Hi! Thank you for waiting, I’ve had surgery and it all went well, my father’s estate is cleaned out, the house is up for sale, moving money is scheduled to be in our pocket in early July, and if we can secure a place to live we might be out of here by August. I’ll keep y’all posted!

Unrelated to any of that, I’ve made the decision that I’m unable to engage with page by page feedback for the foreseeable future: I won’t be reading this comment section any more, and I won’t be reading the on-topic channel in the discord. I’m unwell! An unstable person makes this story that is weird and too close to the chest, which is going to continue to get weirder and more inaccessible to people who aren’t ill in my specific language. A pretty serious mental episode was triggered by the bewildered response to the emotional sentiments in this chapter, and given that my work has always sort of been a last ditch effort to try and connect with people, I’ve realized it’s harming both me and the quality of the work to see how far out I’ve drifted with each update. I’m not upset and nobody did anything wrong! This isn’t a flounce (I’m actually really bummed about this lmao), but since I’ve always been open about being very eager to be part of the discussion I wanted to let y’all know why I’m suddenly not engaging regularly. I do love this community very much and I hope you’ll all keep having the conversation without me. In the meantime, my partner Lee will be moderating the site comments, please be nice to them.

I’m still around in other capacities! I’ll still be active in most of the server and my usual social medias, and I’d like be able to participate in page by page comic discussion again someday. I’ll probably reevaluate once this arc ends and we move onto somewhat less personal topics. Hopefully I haven’t completely alienated everybody by then and there’s still an audience listening whenever that happens, hehe.

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