
After something like a year of work, my partner opened their shop! They make plushes and you can find them here; the stock right now is just what they had ready for launch, so if you’d like to keep up with restocks and future designs give them a follow on tumblr. We’re shooting our shot trying to make a somewhat stable living doing art between the two of us and we’re working real hard at it, so even if you don’t have the cash to spare spreading the word really helps!

My big plan to retool the patreon fell flat before it really got off the ground so I’m not sure when I’ll have anything new to offer, but seeing as I’m getting down to the wire to get this comic to stop bleeding money every month, don’t forget you can get some postcards and some books if you join the patreon (or the paypal). Everything helps! The future of this thing is feeling pretty bleak lately for a handful of reasons, so go give it a look if you’d like to help make sure we all get to see how all this pans out lmao. Thanks for reading!

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