Ooooh creepy!
I’m reminded of that scene from Independence Day where the alien speaks by controlling the guy with a tentacle around his throat.
haha I can see it!
Awwwww nuts. Dis is neat.
Thanks *so* much for that Monday vision of creepitude.
anytime broski
Can I just say this comic is awesome? I started it today and have gotten this far thus far. I’m excited for the rest. Your art is great. The story is great. The characters are great. So great great great (great has now lost all meaning to me). But seriously: thanks for letting us read this.
That really means a lot to me, thanks so much! And thanks for taking the time to leave so many comments too, I read everything I get and it’s really encouraging when folks like you show such an interest in my work. I’ll do my best to keep you entertained!