Just gonna put all my bizz out on the street there huh Phineas?
ryu hayabusa
Oh yea Aria, I was bored earlier this morning and screwing around with the thumbs up thingy and I don’t know if this is a bug or not. Basically, I tapped it a bunch to see if it would add/remove the thumbs up I gave to the comic( I always thumbs up btw :p ) and the counter kept going up. Not sure if it was intentionally designed that way, but at least 26 thumbs ups are from me (sorry 😡 ).
I think I might love Phineas. Sometimes I forget your characters are not real. Well, not really, but. Well.
Oscar Crooks
When Phineas sees emotion, does it project from a certain area or the whole body. If it’s the latter she could possibly predict her opponents next move. Theoretically you’d see the waves start to move before the action executed. Sort of similar to the gravity waves in Drive; http://www.drivecomic.com/archive/100130.html .
It depends! Phineas’ Amazing Power of Observation isn’t really a passive ability, she’s fine tuned her sight the way you learn to adjust your scope of hearing in a crowded room. There is energy of all kinds all around us constantly, it would be a huge mess if she saw everything all the time haha. But if something is projecting loud enough she might notice it even if she’s not paying attention, so, in the case of Roy having it real bad for Ellie, she picked up on it without having to try too hard. If she’d focused she might have noticed the aura centering near his heart, but as it was she likely just saw a nice soft haze oscillating around him~
Your theory of being able to predict what someone will do is correct! But it would take a lot of focus on her part and on the part of the opponent. Most people aren’t energetically interesting enough themselves to make any particular dent in the field around them (Ulrich’s having a very noticeable aura focused around his throat constantly is definitely Weird), so whatever she could glean off of it would probably be too little to be worth the effort. And a person who DOES deal in energy, like Hazard maybe, is well versed enough to reign themself in around a commander.
Basically: Commanders could totally cheat! But it’s a pain in the ass so just beat the guy up probably!