Ooooooooh! You made the bunny angry! That means you’re going to get a serious kicking if you’re not careful.
the Rodent of Unusual Size
Well, Phineas did say she was strong. But I’m really unclear on what happened in panel 7; did Elle (or Ellie? still unsure of her preference) just yank the brolly out of Ray’s hand, jerking him forward? If so, what’s the KRAK! about?
Nah that’s pretty much what she did! She twisted his wrist as she did so, but it was difficult to show both actions together and two panels slowed the motion too much, so I focused on the forward motion more. It’s a small practiced movement, wasn’t much for you to miss haha.
the Rodent of Unusual Size
Practised movement, hah? Ellie, you lièvre de mystère, you..
So you’re going to start wailing on old ladies and you think that’s going to make her respect you more?