not stupid >:(

I posted a draft of the supporter credits! It went out in the newsletter but the post is archived publicly so anyone can see it. Rather than driving everyone insane with edit notifications I’m periodically updating the post with the new list, you can check it whenever you like to see if your edit went through properly! I’ve made a few corrections and added a couple people who fell through the cracks, it’s been kind of messy since fucking Patreon decided to cause problems right in the middle of all this. I’ve heard from a handful of folks who deleted their pledge there and forgot to set it up elsewhere right away, which is totally understandable but I have no way to tell that apart from someone just stopping support altogether unfortunately! It is COMPLETELY fine if your situation has changed and you gotta bail, but here’s a very gentle reminder to finish setting up your stuff on ko-fi or paypal if you need to do that. As it is, I locked in the list at the beginning of the month, so even if you decided to leave in the last two weeks it’s not a mistake if you’re still on it. People leave for all kinds of reasons and I try not to assume it’s because their feelings about the comic have soured, BUT if that’s the case just let me know if you’d like me to remove you from the book! No hard feelings.

Preorders for Volume 4 will start in October, hopefully! That’s part of why this page took so long, I’ve been working on getting things finished up. Thank y’all for your patience as always, I’m feeling really proud of this book. I’ll be loud about it while it’s happening of course, but if you’d like to make sure you know when all that stuff is happening as soon as it happens, subscribing to the newsletter is the best way to get news! I generally only send one email per month but it’s slightly busier lately with the book stuff going on. I hope it’s pleasant!

I will be at the Aurora Minicon next week! It’s a tiny daycon at a public library and admission is free I believe, I love a library show hehe.