VinConFort Collins, COMarch 1-2
CompassConDenver, COMarch 15
silly tricks
He’s COMPLETELY FINE except someone knows his name. That can’t be good. And of course Phin loved it, there were sparkles!
never a great sign
Someone knows him well enough to shout it from off panel, someone he recognizes enough to go blue and red lines in shock from hearing.
This can either go horribly well, or well….horribly.
you KNOW you’re high strung when your colors start running
The smallest kid doesn’t look like they want to meet that person. Or be seen by them.
Maybe they’re shy, they ARE wearing a mask hmmmm
Phin doesn’t seem very offended that she’s now the assistant…
she’s probably still too excited about ulrich’s goofy trick to notice hehe
He SHOULD put out a tip jar. Burning and then unburning towns while toppling a mad despot just doesn’t pay very well.