I've been really looking forward to getting her whole Deal out there more clearly for a long time, I think people were a little confused about why she chose to stick around this place and I hope it's a bit clearer now. Putting that guilt to work.
ooh, all this is SO true, thanks for writing it, thanks for showing it, it's helpful
It's helpful when it's well-received too 😀
Oh man, oh man I read this update, loved it, and then just now remembered the graveyard scene in pages 66-67. Flicking away the cicada. Being asked if you met god, what he's like, and knowing that there's no way the person could understand and/or accept that IF it thinks of us, it's only as a pest to be removed or silenced. I'm with both you and Phin for the long haul in this tale, I mean I was before but now I'm here for it even moreso.
Oh I love when people go back and make connections like that! Comics stretch the story out so long I don't usually have much hope that people will remember stuff well enough for the contextualization to kick in over the course of an arc (or even longer, sometimes). Thanks for posting about this, it's encouraging to hear! And thanks for your enthusiasm for this big dense story hehe