when’s the last time you were even in a church, phineas
What- what are those over Agatha’s head? O.o
Rowan Quill
Camera icons I think she’s taking pictures
Oh cool!
Agatha has camera eyes! Rowan’s right, and that’s actually the same camera icon used on this page when she took photos of them wandering around Decodenn.
It’s not an automatic process or anything, but she does take a lot of discreet little photos now that she’s out of the city. Mostly of cool birds or big grey skies that don’t really look like anything to anyone else.
I didn’t really realize that’s what that was! That’s pretty cool!
I’m wondering if the church symbol relates to noon’s binding symbol? I know that the basic circle-and-cross design doesn’t have triangles in it but noon’s does… just a theory. (and <3 for Agatha and Ulrich being adorable in the background)
I’m so happy we’re getting enough characters to do background shenanigans hee
If anything about that new church turns out to be related to why their local Saints have apparently gone nuts, I don’t think I’ll be surprised.
The reasoning for why might surprise me, but that the church was related in some way….yeah, there’s a few suspicious things here….
Sorin Braveheart
It’s so cute how agatha just turns around and takes pictures of ulrich.
For some reason I read this to the tune of “Kiss the Girl” from the Little Mermaid and…
…it fit disturbingly well.
Theory: everything about Azusa’s prophet seems to center around life; specifically PLANT life. Therefore it is entirely possible that while building the new church to Azusa out of stone might seem like a very reasonable upgrade, it is in fact an affront to the god as it is not built from the life of the forest around them. This, and perhaps even the original rotting and subsequent abandonment of the old church might account for the seeming displeasure wrought upon their saints.
Evan Cross
omg i wonder who this Azusa fella is
Beach Fox
Well. That’s ominous. Forboding, even.
I mean, I’m glad that prophecy is General Purpose and not directed at our sunchaser personally, but still. That is not the sort of church that screams “Welcoming Peaceful Abode”.
Did Magpie have a symbol? Not for any particular reason, just wondering for completely non-off-the-way-theorizing purposes…
Beach Fox
(Agatha is so cute with her camera. Ulrich is adorably flustered. I love it.)
Maggie is earth, that's fire on top of a circle. I do see that an old dictionary of symbols calls a triangle in a circle ignis reverberii, but I have no idea what fire reverbrations are and I'm getting no search results for the Latin.
Going with the Heartbound and star symbols we have, circle is definitely soul, heart, star. So that means fire soul or sacred heart (❤️🔥) or maybe since the circle is behind the triangle, something like fire replacing soul