He probably takes better care of his gun than Ray does his.
Captain Observant (And His Great Memory) here to report that I think this is something like my 8th or 10th time through, and I finally realized Ulrich was going to try shooting Eisse. (Also just realizing what her name sounds like, so her element of choice should’ve been really obvious.)
Aren’t I just the brightest bulb in the factory? (What do you mean they threw me out as defective?)
That’s one of the many reasons why I like this comic:
you can read it through and through and still discover new details.
No, I mean I somehow managed to like, mostly glaze over those two panels every single time.
But that is also true.
It’s entirely possible you glazed over them just because it’s incredibly difficult to tell what’s happening in panel 5, haha. dat old art
A bit tricky, yes. And sometimes I just glance right over details. Especially on re-reads, when I already (presume to) have a grasp of the situation at hand, when I don’t think I need to notice the details as much, really just glazing over everything.
I feel like the bar for "people who take better care of their gun then Ray" is on the fucking floor lol