everyone can be saved

So I got a lot of concerned emails after the announcement of the comic’s Impending Doom, which was honestly pretty validating; it’s nice that anyone would miss this thing if it went down haha. I’ll probably talk more about everything in the next newsletter (likely going out after FanExpo’s done), but the main thing I wanted to address here is that folks kept asking how they could help. There are a lot of things you can do! In fact pretty much the only remaining options for keeping this thing in the air is dependent on audience participation. I’ve talked about this stuff a lot in recent years over on tumblr, but here’s a post I made directly responding to this latest event when people had questions. Regardless: thank you very much for caring, it was a pleasant surprise even if it’s been brought about by bad news.

Okay anyway, I will be quietly exhibiting at FanExpo Denver all this week at Certified Cool Comic Man Conner Herbison’s table (A302). My space is very limited so I’ll only have a few things, mostly books (I’ve finally fully restocked everything and will have all of them for sale!), some stickers and keychains and possibly some miniprints. As usual, if you see me anywhere at a show and you want one of those little square character cards I will have them with me and you can pick one to take one with you As A Treat. My partner Lee will ALSO be hanging out selling their plush work, including some She plushes, so if you’ve been wanting one of those this is a good chance to grab one without paying shipping.

…Unfortunately this con is a full four fuckin days plus load-in and tear-down, which means after Wednesday I will have zero time to work on another update this week so we’re gonna have to skip Something in the next two weeks l m a o. That sucks and I hate it, I’m gonna schedule one more page for Thursday while I’m gone, then we’ll skip Monday the 8th, and AFTER THAT there shouldn’t be too much getting in the way of regular updates for a minute.

Okay I think that’s everything, thanks love you.