good under pressure

Thanks for being patient with this update, everything is fine! For once it just got held up for some mundane reasons. I hate to spoil the mood, but a lot’s happening!

First, the newsletter went out and the imperative bit is it detailed all the stuff about supporters getting their names in Volume 4. If you’re giving Kidd Commander money in any capacity your name is going in the book! I doubt this is going to catch anybody who hasn’t already signed up after all my posts encouraging them to do it elsewhere, but one more time: if you’re supporting the comic please make sure you’re keeping up with what’s going on with the newsletter, that’s how I communicate with y’all!

I don’t have the new meter image up yet, but we tipped over 61% funded this month!! Sort of almost getting close!! Thank y’all so much for all your efforts, it really seems to be making a difference.

In more general news, I’m doing stickerbook preorders in the shop; you have until August 7th! They’d be a great thing to put all your postcard stickers in, which is handy because people started getting their postcards this week:



Last and probably least: have you checked the music page lately? I’ve been messing with the playlists again, if you keep up with that sort of thing.

Thanks for reading!!