Hokay: first, a bunch of art stamina this week went to finishing the cover art for Volume 4, which I also drew as a poster, which you can see here.

I’ll be at FCCC this weekend! If you’re specifically showing up to see me I will not be there on Friday and the vendor hall will be closed that day; I would have mentioned that sometime before now instead of having all three dates on the list over there, but the communication was a little confusing until recently lmao

I gotta rest my arm! I’m gonna copy paste this post from tumblr so I don’t gotta retype all of it:

i think folks are starting to get more worried about the future of the comic since we’re getting to the back half of the year, which is extremely kind haha. i’ve been getting a BUNCH of questions about finances and stuff (and also, unrelated but sort of not, about supporter credits in volume 4) SO while i am always happy to answer emails and things here’s a gentle reminder that if you want to keep up with kc i strongly recommend subscribing to the newsletter! i post about my earnings there and do my best to keep y’all informed about p much anything, including exactly where my monthly paycheck is sitting and how panicked i am about it lmfao. it is NOT an Update Reminder; i only send one email per month and any besides that is either time sensitive or me fixing something i fucked up ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

just as a general Update for y’all here, we’re Today Right Now sitting at 80% funded. normally i’d wait until next month to bring up numbers (i’d go insane updating the How Fucked Are We Meter every time anything happened) but we had a significant uptick since the last letter so the discrepancy is noticable lol. more on that later! in the newsletter! which you can join If You Want

Lastly: the next page is really really light on the art and also short, just as a heads-up. that means it’ll probably go up quickly though!

Thank you for reading!