Excuse me, is that Old Buddy from whatchamacallit I already linked once asking if that was him? (Err….here it is again.) What’s he doing here?
Curious as to how Eisse has a nickname of “Rook“. Also mildly strange how quickly Ulrich is willing to at least appear to turn coat, but eh, we’ll see what falls when someone gets back from the fight to shake the tree.
Random: So….if Raven even survives the fight…what kind of condition would he be in? Could be reform himself to be back how he was before this? Or is he stuck half-possessed with a faceless/Tain-face appearance? (Questions, questions…)
(Random #2: Archive’s slightly broken, unless page 365 being linkless is an intentional joke about how long it takes to get around the sun or something.)
Yep yep! Same person, a little bit closer and featuring fewer flower petals.
Also, Rook Slight is her real name, the same way Raven Slight is Hazard’s real name. Ulrich knew her before she took the alias so that’s the name he uses for her.
WHOOPS sorry about that, thanks for letting me know!
Ah, so Eisse is her nickname because of her apparent element of choice.
What’s the guy doing/appearing there anyway? Another one of her acquaintances?
That person’s probably here for Ulrich! They might look a little different sometimes because my art changes between sightings, unfortunately, but he’s conjured up the image several times so far.
….was presuming the questions were going to be answered soon enough, just asking them anyway, since, ya’know, no idea what he’s doing there (/knows to be there/has any known reason to be there/etc…)